Monday, December 23, 2013

Before You Hire An Orange County Windows And Doors Expert
Prior to hiring a company to handle your home improvement project you'll undoubtedly want to know as much as possible about the company you're interested in. You'll want to talk to current and past clients whenever possible, research the company online, read reviews, and even look at portfolios of their work. It isn't just those homeowners giving their homes a new coat of paint or reflooring their kitchens who search for quality contractors but rather all homeowners involved in home improvement projects, including those who want or need new doors and windows installed.

In an effort to provide our potential clients with peace of mind we have placed a number of testimonials on our website. We have done so not to be boastful but instead so that persons interested in our products can see what others have had to say about our windows, doors, and our superior customer service. Not only that but we have several online galleries set up as well so that homeowners can see the type of quality and craftsmanship we offer.

If after reviewing our testimonials and spending some time perusing our online galleries you find yourself with lingering questions feel free to contact us at any time. Not only will we answer your questions and help ease any concerns you may have but should you be interested in one you'll receive a free consultation as well.

Elegance Entries specializes in the following:

Orange County Windows and Custom French Doors

Elegance Entries
1130 N. Kraemer Blvd.
Ste. G Anaheim, CA 92806 (map)
Phone: 714-733-6706

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Vinyl Patio Doors Hassle and Maintenance Free
Patio doors are an important part of any home. Not just because they are frequently utilized but because they provide homeowners and their guests with a view to a backyard as well. Being able to clearly see out onto the patio and having a functional patio door is very important to the majority of homeowners. What many homeowners could do without however is the maintenance that is often associated with patio doors.

This is especially true of patio doors made of wood and/or metal. Such doors often become the victims of rot, peeling, warping, and cracking. This is because wood and metal patio doors, even when treated with special chemicals, quickly erodes and loses its beauty in even the mildest of climates. Should a home reside in a very hot, cold, or humid climate however the decay of such doors is often accelerated dramatically.

Homeowners interested in a new patio door for any reason can opt for vinyl patio doors rather than one made of wood or metal. As far as maintenance is concerned vinyl patio doors require little more than a wipe down with a damp cloth every now and then. Though in years past vinyl has often been viewed as cheap plastic the vinyl used in modern patio doors is anything but cheap. Should you have any questions about vinyl patio doors or be interested in having one installed at your home please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to be of assistance.

Elegance Entries specializes in the following:

Orange County Entry Doors and Orange County Vinyl Patio Doors

Elegance Entries
1130 N. Kraemer Blvd.
Ste. G Anaheim, CA 92806 (map)
Phone: 714-733-6706

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Elegance Entries Difference
There is no shortage of contractors who sell and install doors and windows. Customers however may have a difficult time differentiating the many companies out there from one another and an equally arduous time in determining which of these vendors offers the highest quality doors and windows along side the very best customer service. Here at Elegance Entries we go to great lengths in providing our prospective clients with peace of mind and plenty of information about our company.

Why should you choose Elegance Entries over any other door and window vendor/contractor? Here's just a few reasons:
  • We Build, Finish and Install a Custom Unit Just For You!
  • Endless Design Options
  • "A" Rating with BBB and Angie's List Customers
  • Fully Licensed and Insured
  • No Subcontractors addition to all the aforementioned reasons individuals looking for new doors and windows that come with options will find all they can handle here at elegance entries. We provide our customers with the options for custom-made doors and windows. Homeowners can select or create a style, color, and design that not only fits their home but is reflective of their own personal tastes as well.

Should you have any questions about the doors and windows we sell and install please do not hesitate to contact us we would be happy to assist you!

Elegance Entries specializes in the following:

Orange County Doors and Orange County Windows

Elegance Entries
1130 N. Kraemer Blvd.
Ste. G Anaheim, CA 92806 (map)
Phone: 714-733-6706

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Bit About Elegance Entries
With so many different contractors available for new doors and windows it can be difficult to ascertain which one will work best for you and the needs of your home. Here at Elegance Entries we strive to not only supply our clients with high-quality windows and doors for their home but with unparalleled customer service as well.

If customer service and high-quality products aren't enough to at least pique your interest then you might find it encouraging to learn that we build, finish, and install doors and windows for you without ever hiring subcontractors. All of the work we perform is done by in-house employees who are highly trained, knowledgeable, experienced in all things windows and doors. Additionally in order to help facilitate peace of mind amongst our potential clients keep in mind that we have an "A" rating with the Better Business Bureau as well as Angie's List consumers. We continually work hard to maintain the reputation we've earned and we hope that you give us a chance.

Should you have any questions about our doors or windows or like to purchase some for your home please don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Contact Elegance Entries Today!

1130 N. Kraemer Blvd., Ste. G
Anaheim, CA 92806

Elegance Entries specializes in the following:

Orange County Doors, Orange County Windows, and Entry Doors

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Double The Fantastic With Dual Pane Windows

When the time comes for homeowners to replace windows, be it for aesthetic reasons or as part of a necessary replacement project, there are many different types of windows to consider. Depending on what a homeowner wants out of their windows will largely determine what type of windows they ultimately select. Homeowners interested in making their home more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and reducing their energy bills should keep their minds firmly fixed on dual pane windows.

Dual paned windows are not only thicker and therefore sturdier than single pane windows but they are excellent insulators and can dramatically reduce the amount of money homeowners must spend on energy consumption. Dual pane windows are built to severely restrict air that comes into a home and leaves a home. This type of design allows homeowners to enjoy a more comfortable indoor climate and save money.

While the energy efficiency of dual pane windows often overshadows their ability to dampen noise this is a fact that should not be overlooked by any homeowner. Homeowners who are sick and tired of being awoken by gardeners, traffic, trains, and even children passing by their home on their way to school can have dual pane windows installed and enjoy a much quieter indoor environment. Homeowners will finally be able to enjoy the silence.

Dual plane windows are also extremely durable and fairly simple to clean without having to worry about scratches and things of that nature. Though older dual pane windows can sometimes form moisture between the panes of glass and become cloudy or smeared this is a rare occurrence for an otherwise very durable and lovely looking window type. Any homeowner that begins to notice moisture in their dual plane windows however should contact a professional for assistance.

When it comes to installation it should be a no-brainer for homeowners to realize that this is not a job that they should even attempt to do themselves. Homeowners should instead seek out a professional that they trust and one that receives great reviews online or by word of mouth. Having dual pane windows installed properly ensures that they will do all of the aforementioned things for many years and even decades to come while improper or shoddy installation all but guarantees problems.

Elegance Entries specializes in Orange County windows and Fullerton windows.

Friday, September 13, 2013

What Happens When I Work With Elegance Entries?

Prior to purchasing any new doors or windows for their homes, many of our clients often ask us exactly how the process works when they buy from us. There are literally just three simple steps to our process yet they create an effective process which leads clients not only with peace of mind but extremely satisfied as well.

The first step in working with us is the sales process. While most of our competition simply sells a product and moves the client along rapidly we work hard to ensure that all of our clients are informed buyers. We're not content in just selling you a door or window but want you understand exactly what it is you're getting and how it's going to benefit your home. During the sales call/meeting customers are encouraged to ask as many questions as possible so that they will have the confidence in their upcoming purchase.

After a sale has been made customers are turned over to our production staff. Depending on whether they've purchased vinyl or wood products an order will be sent to a specific team so that they can begin work on said order. All of our doors and windows are constructed in-house to ensure that our customers get only the highest quality doors and windows. Both our vinyl and our wood teams are comprised of highly experienced and expressive individuals.

Once your order has been constructed the final step is installation. We never subcontract any of our work including installation. We are a licensed contractor (CA # 745295) that installs all of our own products without exception. All of our installation specialists are trained and certified journeyman carpenters who treat your home and your new doors and windows as if they were their own. This ensures your satisfaction every time.

Should you have any questions about any of these steps or about any of the doors and windows that we manufacture and install please be sure to contact us that we may be of assistance.

Elegance Entries specializes in the following:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Giving You The Confidence To Shop Online

Shopping on the Internet has made things extremely convenient for homeowners. While convenience is certainly a benefit, there is some uncertainty that comes along with shopping online. With so many different websites online and a great number of them all selling the same products/services homeowners regularly find themselves apprehensive about purchasing products through any specific website.

In order to help bolster trust and foster peace of mind in those interested in our products we not only have an online showroom that you can browse from prior to purchasing any doors or windows but we also place a number of testimonials on our website. Nothing quite gives potential new clients the type of confidence they need as does the reading of client reviews. We encourage anyone interested in our products to visit our website and read what our clients have to say about us, our windows, and our doors.

If after reading our client testimonials you find yourselves with questions or if apprehension still looming over a potential purchase please do not hesitate to contact us. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you in any way they can.

Elegance Entries specializes in the following:

Friday, September 6, 2013

Vinyl Doors & Windows For Your Home

Vinyl sometimes gets a bad rap from groups of homeowners. This is perhaps because in years past vinyl products for homes, especially when applied to doors and windows, was rather inexpensive and cheap. It can take years and even decades for something to shake a stigma but vinyl for doors and windows has certainly been doing just that.

What many modern homeowners are not aware of is that the vinyl of yesteryear is far different than the vinyl being used in doors and windows today. Today's vinyl has become a popular alternative with some homeowners because not only is it far more durable than it ever has been but it is completely and utterly resilient to things like heat, cracking, warping, and peeling. While many homeowners still elect to use wood and/or metal in around their doors and windows those types of doors and windows will require regular maintenance and care. In sharp contrast when vinyl is used in place of wood and/or metal homeowners will have peace of mind knowing that aside from an occasional damp cloth wiping, there won't be any need for maintenance or worry.

Here at Elegance Entries we offer a wide variety of different types of doors and windows including those that incorporate vinyl. Not only is vinyl durable but it can also save homeowners quite a bit of money. Should you have any questions about any of our doors or windows please be sure to contact us that we may be of assistance.

Elegance Entries specializes in the following:

Orange County Vinyl Windows, Orange County Doors, and Orange County Windows

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tips For Selecting A New Patio Door

So you've finally decided to install a new patio door. Such a project can be quite exciting though selecting the right kind of door for your home can be quite a disconcerting task. With so many options available for patio doors you may find yourself scratching your head or even throwing your hands in the air out of frustration. With regard to options it's not just the styles and colors that you'll need to choose from but construction materials and quality as well. Fortunately you now have the option of having custom patio doors built for your home and aren't necessarily forced to select from patio doors and pulled off an assembly line. Ultimately the type of patio door you select for your home will depend largely on your home's existing design, your lifestyle, personal tastes, convenience, and of course budget. Here are some tips that should help you select the right door for you and your home.

Patio doors open in a number of different ways. From the traditional swinging inward or outward patio doors to those that slide back and forth you want to be very careful in the type you select. Things like existing furniture and any new furniture that may go along with a new patio door need to be placed and/or moved to locations that allow your new patio door to open freely and without the possibility of damage. Homeowners with very little space around their new patio door should consider using a single swinging door or sliding doors as these require very little, if any, room to open and close.

When it comes to the actual design of the new patio door it's a good idea to keep in mind that patio doors are often seen as a connection or entryway into an outdoor living space. With that firmly in mind you'll want to take great care in choosing designs that complement both the immediate interior of your home and any outdoor living space or yard that is adjacent to your new patio door. Though some homeowners find success with patio doors that are in sharp contrast to existing decor and/or their outdoor living space purposefully contrasting these things may not work out for you so be wary.

Glass is often a major component of modern patio doors so you'll need to take some time and perhaps even speak with an interior designer or contractor prior to selecting any new patio door. You want to go this route simply because there are many different types of glass available on the modern market and each type brings with it pros and cons. Glass treated with chemicals that reflect ultraviolet light for example are great at keeping a home cooler and protecting furniture though they may not be the type of glass that keeps prying eyes outside from seeing indoors. There's also single, double, and triple pane glass available for patio doors further complicating the issue for you. You want to determine what type of glass is going to be in your new patio door so that it not only complements your home but protects it as well. If you've got children or grandchildren you may even want to consider reinforced glass.

As with most things these days patio doors are constructed from a number of different materials. While wood is probably the most traditional and popular patio doors, many are comprised completely of vinyl, metal, and a mixture of materials all of which are solid choices. What it really comes down to is how much maintenance and care you want to put into your new patio door. Patio doors made of wood for example will need much more care than those made of vinyl because wood can crack, rock, and warp rather easily when exposed to the elements. Fiberglass and aluminum patio doors on the other hand are great for homeowners who want a sturdy door that's going to last for years and even decades. Again the type of building material you ultimately select will be determined by what you have to spend and how much time you want to dedicate to your patio door after installation.

Last but not least you'll need to consider the exterior siding that's going to be installed with your new patio door. Just as is the case with all of the aforementioned things, siding around a new patio door should complement existing decor rather than contrast with it. Not only that but siding is also available in a wide array of different building materials. As this siding will reside on the exterior of your new patio door the material you select should be one that is highly resistive and/or complementary to the climate your home resides in.

Regardless of what type of new patio door you want to have installed it behooves you to seek out the assistance and advice of a professional contractor. Having a building contractor or even interior designer, by your side prior to purchasing a door and during installation will ensure that you get a patio door that's not only right for your home but for your budget as well. You'll be much happier with the end results than those who do not speak with a professional on some level.

Elegance Entries specializes in exterior doors Orange County and Orange County doors.

Monday, July 29, 2013

French Doors: Variety & Beauty

Adding a new door to a home allows a homeowner to not only make a better first impression but even create a specific mood or atmosphere around the front of their home. It even gives them an opportunity to say something about their own personal taste in decor. With so many different types of doors available for homes however selecting the right one can be somewhat of a daunting task. Homeowners interested in adding a new door to the front of their home should be prepared to spend considerable time looking at different websites, reading reviews, and even visiting a show room or two.

While there are many different types of doors available for a home, perhaps none are more popular than French doors. French doors are somewhat unique in that they are often two separate doors installed together that open up to create a very large entryway to both the house and the outside world. Homeowners interested in French doors however should also keep in mind that the large space they create when they're opened isn't the only advantage they carry with them. French doors are also one of the most beautiful types of doors that can be featured on a home. This is because they boast some very elaborate and beautiful designs. Essentially French doors look as wonderful closed as they do open.

As far as construction goes with regards to French doors the vast majority are built utilizing either wood or fiberglass. Homeowners not happy with either wood or fiberglass but still seeking a French door will be happy to learn that most manufacturers can build a French door out of any material a homeowner asks for. When French doors are built from wood however these are usually built from various types of hardwood that can be stained or painted any shade or color. Fiberglass French doors are also beautiful though may not always boast the intricate designs that wood doors do.

Homeowners concerned with the maintenance of a woodframe store however can opt for door made of a combination of materials, including wood and fiberglass together. These are extremely popular because not only do they feature the beauty of wooden French doors but the durability and reliability of vinyl as well.

Almost every French door contains some sort of glass paneling. It's the glass paneling in French doors that really set them apart from virtually every other type of door on the market. The actual design of the glass paneling in French doors is nearly limitless and there is only different styles of glass paneling available for French doors that some homeowners may have a difficult time determining which one they want most. Homeowners can expect a fine glass paneling and French doors that a small, multiple pain, all-encompassing, glazed, beveled, and a combination of one or more of these things. The list of choices grows even longer for those homeowners who opt to have a custom-made French door built for their home. Homeowners concerned with having a large amount of glass in their front door can rest easy knowing that the glass utilize in the construction of French doors is high quality and built to withstand any high winds, impacts, or debris that might show up.

While glass paneling and a plethora of available building materials make French doors extremely popular amongst homeowners it is the way these doors open and close that really helped them to stand head and shoulders above other types of entry doors. When a homeowner begins shopping for a French door they will find French doors of the folding variety, the expanded windows variety, and the sliding/gliding variety. With folding French doors multiple doors can be installed alongside one another to create a large outside view or a view that encompasses an entire interior wall. Expanded window doors don't just add glass to the door itself but expand the look and beauty of the door by placing glass on multiple sides of these types of doors. With regards to sliding and gliding style French doors they are great alternative to traditional design and give homeowners more freedom to place patio furniture anywhere they like as these doors do not swing open or closed.

Elegance Entries specializes in custom french doors, Orange County doors and Anaheim doors.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wood Entry Doors & Our Gallery

Are you a homeowner in the market for new entry door? If so you've come to the right place. Here at Elegance Entries And Windows we make a wide array of entry doors made of wood available. All of our doors are made of high quality materials and feature the best design and architecture available in all of Southern California. Everything from single doors that split into two, to extremely elegant double entry doors can be found here Elegance Entries.

Those who've yet to purchase doors from us can visit our entry doors gallery and see exactly the kind of doors we create, sell, and install. Keep in mind however that just because you don't see a particular style, color, or shape on our website that doesn't necessarily mean that we can custom make a door for you. Many homeowners have very unique tastes and want their entry doors reflect those; that's not a problem when you do business with us.

Visit Our Wood Entry Door Gallery Here!

Should you have any questions about our wood entry doors, our gallery, or about any of our other products please be sure to contact us that we may be of assistance.

Elegance Entries specializes in:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Full Service Means Customer Service!

There are those companies that are content to sell windows and doors to client and then move onto the next sale. Things operate a little bit differently here at Elegance Entries as we aim to please from start to finish. The idea as well as our goal is simple which is to sell to informed buyers who have confidence in us as people and in our products as well. When we say we're a full-service window and door company were not only referring to the selling/installation of windows and doors.

While it is true that our windows, doors, and installation services are unparalleled we also offer the type of customer service that you normally don't see in the modern business world. From the moment a prospective client picks up the phone or e-mails us for a consultation our talented, experienced, and extremely courteous staff will begin assisting and working closely with each and every individual right on through to the end of installation and even beyond. We also want to ensure that our customers know exactly what they're purchasing and so we may a concerted effort to educate every single one of our clients and prospective clients so that they know as much as possible about things like construction materials, their chosen door or window versus others, and of course the differences in quality across our wide range of products.

With unmatched customer service and a heavy emphasis placed on your satisfaction it's not difficult to see why we remain Orange County's number one destination for those shopping for new doors and windows. At any point in time should you have questions please be sure to contact us so that we may be of assistance!

Elegance Entries specializes in:

Replacement Windows Orange County, Vinyl Windows, and Accoya Doors

Friday, July 19, 2013

Accoya Wood Doors & Windows Avaliable Now!

Here at Elegance Entries were quite proud of the high quality products that we produce and make available to all homeowners. We are especially proud of the newest addition to our products however and would like to introduce you to Accoya wood. Accoya wood is the world's best wood when it comes to longevity and durability. More than that it exceeds the stability and the beauty of nearly every tropical hardwood available for doors and windows. You might say that Accoya wood is wood without compromise of any kind.

Our clients can select Accoya wood for any type of door or any type of window they're interested in purchasing through us. Those homeowners with custom designs needn't worry either as Accoya wood can be utilized to create custom designs no matter how complex or elegant they may be. Moreover those homeowners who normally avoid wood doors and window frames simply because of the maintenance issues that come along with them can select Accoya wood as an alternative to vinyl or metal. This allows the homeowner to keep the beauty of doors and windows made of wood without sacrificing strength and reliability.

Should you have any questions about Accoya wood please be sure to contact us that we may be of assistance!

Elegance Entries specializes in:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Vinyl Windows Gallery

Before a home owner purchases anything as part of a home improvement project they will undoubtedly want to know that their money is going to be well spent. This is especially true of homeowners who are undertaking home improvement projects that require a bit more money than paint or spring cleaning. Those homeowners looking for vinyl windows to replace their old windows will be happy to learn that here at Elegance Entries we understand how difficult it can be to part with your money without having some confidence in a company and its products.

For this reason alone we have set up an online gallery at our website. This gallery features a large amount of vinyl windows. Although pictures don't necessarily answer all questions and home owner may have about the vinyl windows we carry, please feel free to contact us should any questions linger after viewing her gallery. We believe you will be impressed with what you see, enough so to give you confidence in our product and reach out to us for a consultation.

Should you have any questions about her gallery or our vinyl windows please be sure to contact us that we may be of assistance!

Elegance Entries specializes in:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New Entry Doors For Your Home

Entry doors can tell you a lot about a home. Those homeowners who leave stock entry doors on their home are often people who are simply content with the home they have. Besides people don't give much thought to just how much more enchanting, warm, and aesthetically pleasing a custom-made entry door can make a home. Homeowners who've had custom entry doors installed in their home can attest to just how much these doors have done for their home.

There was once a time when custom entry doors were far more expensive than they are now but as technology has rapidly advanced over the last decade custom-made doors can be both affordable and look luxurious. Even those homeowners with extremely fastidious tastes will have no problem finding a custom-made entry door that suits their personal taste in decor nor one that falls within the boundaries of the budget. Adding new entry doors to home not only makes a home look nicer but can also impress visitors and help create specific moods or atmospheres and make one heck of a first impression.

Should you have any questions regarding entry doors or like to have new entry doors installed in your home please be sure to contact us that we may be of assistance.

Elegance Entries specializes in:

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Buyers Guide To Vinyl Windows

Windows made of both wood and metal certainly have their benefits, chief among them beauty and luster. What many homeowners discover however is that after purchasing windows made of wood and metal that they would have been better off purchasing vinyl windows instead. While the beauty of wood and metal windows is often a selling point for homeowners, homeowners that have previously owned these types of windows often opt for vinyl windows when the time comes for their next purchase solely because of the maintenance involved with metal and wood windows.

Whereas wood and metal windows are subject to a whole host of problems modern vinyl windows are not. While it's true that in years and decades past vinyl windows would lose their color or go yellow this is no longer the case. Quality vinyl windows are impervious to the issues that plague both metal and wood windows. Cracking, warping, peeling, splitting, rotting, rusting, and in some cases attracting too much heat are all things that often make homeowners reconsider purchasing wood and metal windows. With modern vinyl windows homeowners need only to wipe them down occasionally with a damp or even dry cloth negating the need for expensive repairs or secondary or tertiary purchases.

When a homeowner decides that he/she would like to purchase vinyl windows for their home it's important to remember that, like all things, you get what you pay for. While even the cheapest modern vinyl is far better than the best vinyl of years past, homeowners still need to be wary of inferior products. High-end vinyl windows for example have additives mixed into the material that protects them against brittleness, yellowing, and fading. Homeowners will not find these types of additives in some of the more inexpensive vinyl windows out there. Good vinyl windows will also have welded corners and numerous internal air chambers for rigidity and installation.

While the vinyl itself in vinyl windows should be scrutinized homeowners will also want to inspect the glass in any vinyl windows in which they're interested in. Homeowners should accept nothing less than a quality window that minimizes heat loss and gain. Windows that manage this well will have warming spacers and be multiple panes thick. Additionally homeowners should look for glass that's low-e coated for added protection from the sun.

Any product that a company is confident in will carry a good warranty. This is the third thing homeowners should look for when shopping for vinyl windows. The type of warranty homeowners should keep an eye out for is the double lifetime warranty which essentially covers unseen performance problems. These problems can be things like condensation between panes, chipping, etc. Homeowners should be very wary and steer clear of any vinyl windows that don't carry this type of warranty lest they hold desire to purchase windows for a second or third time.

Once a homeowner has sorted out quality and warranty details they can and should focus on things like color and the more aesthetic aspects of windows. Vinyl windows are available in a wide array of different colors, designs, sizes, and brands. Determining which of these is right for a homeowner is often the most arduous part of purchasing new vinyl windows. Homeowners can alleviate some of the stress that comes along with making these types of decisions by working closely with either a contractor or knowledgeable employee within a showroom. Measuring what a homeowner wants against what they need and what they can afford and balancing that out with their personal tastes and the advice from a professional to help homeowners nail down exactly what type of window they should buy for their home.

Elegant Entires specializes in Orange County windows, Orange County doors and Orange County vinyl windows.